Sunday, December 2, 2012

my wild one*

i usually joke when i meet knew people introducing my kids...
 'just so you know, i raise them wild and free'. 

i thought kellen was wild, and then she grew up and well, wild has a new meaning! (it must be the hair..hehe...) 

last week monday, she was skipping along (she 'skips' people!), trip over her own feet and hit her lip against the bin...1, 2, 3 blood everywhere and i knew she had to get stitches.  i took her to the doctor, who transferred us to the hospital, so that she can get sedated to stitch her up... and she.was.not.happy. 
(her mama had a little meltdown too, because it's a different country, doctors i don't know, and she has to go to theater AND daddy's away... i just needed that moment... (thanks Big Dad!) ) 

i tried everything to calm her down... but girl friend did not want to calm down...
she did not like the cot...

she did not like the nurses....

she just wanted her mama and would use every method she knows to get to me..hehe...

(little whisper... i still want to be a nurse...)

on our way up to the theater... had some meds and are calming down....such a big girl...

got home at 8pm that night and sister is still not happy. she got stitched on the inside as well. the doctors were great and kind and comforting to this mama heart who just wanted to cry (can you believe it!).
she is back to her skipping... we are trying to do everything a little bit slower...

but i still LOVE the phrase 'wild and free' xx

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